The sheep fencing has been expanded once more. Look at the difference between the grass where they have already been out to pasture and the fresh grass! Sheep are God's living lawn mowers. The grass is growing abundantly, and the sheep are dutifully (and happily) doing their job. A lot of our indoor seedlings have come up already, including the cabbage, broccoli, kale, basil, and more. It only took a few days to see little green stems pop up out of the soil. Once our new greenhouse is up, we will have lots of planting to do. The greenhouse is massive and a large project but will be worth all the effort. We will be able to grow a lot of fresh produce to prepare for the fall and winter. We have two raised beds near the guest cabin. One has lettuce and radishes planted in it, and the other will have kale and cabbage. The idea is having an outdoor salad bar! Along with fresh greens, we are making plans to have blueberries and raspberries planted near the cabin as well. There is no such thing as too many home grown fruits and veggies.