Coram Deo Farm is a Christian organization which owns 65 acres of property located in the Maine farm community of Thorndike. Our farm contains beautiful sugar maples, heirloom apple trees, five acres of open field, small streams and assorted cedar and fir trees. It is located on the side of a westward facing hill with a beautiful view of the Appalachian Mountains from Mount Washington to the Bigelow Range. Coram Deo Farm has been established to provide an educational environment for those interested in homesteading and sustainable farming practices. We plan to provide instruction in composting, wild edibles, renewable energy design and installation, husbandry, organic farming and permaculture.
Our goal is to incorporate homesteading courses in a way that glorifies our creator by applying Biblical principles and theological thought to the practice of self sufficiency. In this process we hope to encourage a young generation of potential farmers to support themselves and be a gracious example among the community by offering a portion of their crops to individuals in need.
Current Projects:
1. Prepare for the 2020 Sugar Maple processing season by building a sugar shack, installing associated evaporator, collect and cut more firewood from brush left behind after logging activity.
2. Maintain the greenhouse and prepare starters for spring planting.
3. Construct some small tiny houses for guests to reside in.
4. Rotate chicken tractor, goat, sheep, pig & cow fencing.
5. Build flower beds and herb garden in newly disturbed area.
6. Clear brush and debris from field edge.
7. Build a year round structure on an existing 24′ X 24′ platform.
8. Shear the sheep.
We enjoy the “Joel Salatin” methods of pasturing chickens and livestock and the Sepp Holzer book on permaculture.
If you are interested in organic farming, wild edibles, medicinal plants, kombucha, lacto-fermentation, permaculture, fiddles, contra dance, singing, amazing sunsets, hard work, long days, bee keeping, using a hand scythe, raising chickens, sheep, rabbits, goats, pigs, the “Humanure Handbook”, pumping your own water, living off grid, limited Internet service, no television, and appreciate alternative medicine then you will probably fit right in.
We are serious about work but recognize the need to go fishing, canoeing, hunting, swimming, walking along the ocean beach, singing, and visiting around the camp-fire.
Please note that we are as new to much of this as you probably are and that we will be learning together. Any experience you have will be much appreciated. Thus far we have six years of gardening and in that time have built up our garden soils by mulching and composting, established greenhouse protocols, planted raspberries, blueberries, asparagus and a few other perennials. We recently completed logging the property in a sustainable way that provides more sunlight for the sugar maples and clears the way for many heirloom apple trees which were overtaken by forest. We have built a 24 X 16 goat/hay barn a 20 X 16 insulated guest cabin, made the main cabin livable year round, and installed a solar power system.
We are located on a private dirt road ½ mile from a town road. Unity College, a leader is sustainable science, is located nearby. MOFGA’s (Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association) headquarters are located a stones throw away. MOFGA is a valuable resource for organic farmers and gardeners in the state of Maine. The coastal town of Belfast is about 25 minutes to the west of Thorndike and Acadia National Park is located around 75 miles to the North East.
We are currently looking for a married couple to join us long term in order to establish our mission.
We also recently acquired our first Icelandic sheep and lambs, which means lots of wool to “play” with and learn some fiber arts (wool processing, spinning, and felting to name a few).
We would love for you to come join us and enjoy fellowshipping and working together.