

Today was the perfect day for planting, so that's what we did! The peas and beets are in the ground, and we pulled up a lot of weeds and found tons of dandelions. Those will be great for making tea and putting in salads. We used the broadfork to loosen the soil and added some rich compost. There are chives and garlic already coming up in the garden that returned from a previous year. We also have three trays of seedlings started indoors. So far we have broccoli, kale, sweet peppers, basil, jalapenos, three different kinds of cabbage, and more!

Farm Fresh Eggs and Seedlings

The chickens are back in full swing laying mode, and the farm is getting over a dozen eggs a day now. We also have a goose who is brooding on a couple eggs and we are hopeful for some baby goslings. The male goose is very vigilant and runs to her side to keep watch when anyone gets too close. God built animals with good instincts and it's amazing to see how they care for each other!

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