A Different World

Our journey through many years of chronic suffering has forced us down a path that has led to a different world. Our hopes, dreams, aspirations, expectations, priorities, are all very different from what they once were, and all very different from what is the norm in Western Culture, even in the visible Church. In our world, so much has been taken away from us that we are no longer able to hold the same values; we are no longer able to store up treasure here where “moth and rust corrupt, and thieves break in and steal”. What is a theoretical reality for most Christians in our opulent culture has become a practical reality for us: that this little life is no more than a miserable sojourn through this veil of tears, forcing us to fix our eyes on the journey’s destination: that blessed and glorified homeland where our Sovereign King, our Lord Jesus, will “wipe away every tear from our eyes”.
But there is only one way from here to there, and that is the rough path that leads through the valley of the shadow of death. It is my hope that this little book might be used by God to help my fellow beloved pilgrims who are traveling that road.

David Libby
Board Member
Coram Deo Farm